7 Tips To Prepare Your Maple Grove, MN
Home For Replacement Windows

Ensure Your Replacement Windows
Installation Runs Smoothly

It is not every day that a homeowner gets replacement windows for their Maple Grove, MN home. Therefore, being a bit nervous about the entire process is understandable. After all, this may be your first real major home improvement project.

Knowing what to expect is the key to being more comfortable with the process. When the time comes for the window installation company of your choice to actually install the windows, you already know what type of windows you are having installed. That is one colossal obstacle down!

The next challenge is the window installation. Many homeowners have questions, such as whether they should be home during installation, whether they should remove certain items from their homes, whether they should put something on their floors to protect them, and the list goes on. It is easy to drive yourself crazy with worry about the actual process. That is why we have compiled a few ways you can prepare for the replacement windows process in your Twin Cities home. Through proper preparation, you will feel much more confident in your decision to replace your windows.

1. Window Coverings Need To Go Before
Installing Replacement Windows

One of the best ways to make replacing your windows smoother in your home is to remove your blinds, drapes, curtains, or shades from the window. Basically, any type of window covering should be removed before the window company arrives.

Removing these now will prevent the few extra minutes it will take us to remove them, plus you can store them where they won’t be in the way. Once your new fiberglass or vinyl windows are installed, the window treatments are ready to go back up.

2. The Best Rule To Remember: 5 Feet Of Space Around
The Work Area In Your Maple Grove, MN Home

The window company installing your windows will need space to do their job. Thus, a good rule of thumb is to have five feet of space around the window they will be working on. These rules apply to both inside and outside your home.

Of course, there are always situations in which you may not be able to abide by the five-foot rule, such as if you have a window in an odd location. If you work with Zen Window Twin Cities, this will not be something to worry about, as we are experienced in working in tight locations when needed.

3. Consider Covering Furniture Near Where
Replacement Windows Will Be Installed

You don’t have to remove your furniture from a room just because you are having the windows replaced. We suggest you simply cover your furniture with an old sheet you have lying around or use a roll of plastic.

While we make every accommodation to ensure no dirt or dust gets into your home, most people find covering their furniture offers a little more peace of mind since they know there is less cleanup for them to handle after we have left. Of course, we’ll clean up the area after the actual installation.

4. The Outside Of Your Twin Cities
Home Should Have A Clear Path

While we mentioned having a five-foot radius around your window inside and out, we also suggest you take the time to ensure a clear path to your home. For example, can our trucks easily access your driveway to unload supplies?

Are there kids' toys scattered throughout the yard that will make it more like an obstacle course to get to the windows? Taking the time to ensure a clear path will help us to get to work faster so you can enjoy your windows sooner.

5. Kids And Pets Don’t Mix Well With The Replacement
Windows Process, So Make Other Arrangements

When replacing windows in a home, there will be open spots that can easily allow pets to jump out. Plus, installers may come and go as they work on various windows in your home. If you have pets, this could be the perfect opportunity for them to escape your home.

So, we suggest you have your pets away from the home or placed in a room where the installers won’t be. For example, crating your dogs in an upstairs bedroom while we work downstairs is always an option. Or you could board your pets for the day or two it takes to replace the windows.

If you have young kids, you want to ensure they are not in the way of those working to install your new windows. Tools will be used, and large windows may be coming into your home, so we don’t want any child to get accidentally hurt.

Whether you opt for your kids to be at a family or friend's house or arrange for your window installation to happen while they are at daycare or school, it is good to have them away from all that is going on.

6. Ensure Your Twin Cities Alarm System Is Off While
Your Window Installation Company Is Working

Nothing is worse than your phone constantly ringing because your alarm is set off each time we replace a window. To avoid this, you’ll want to ensure the alarms are off when the installation begins.

You may also need to make arrangements with your alarm company if you have individual alarms installed on each window. It may be best for them to come out and ensure the alarms function with the new windows.

7. Be Home During Your Replacement Windows Installation

It is wise to have an adult present when your windows are replaced. Why is this? If we encounter a surprise, we can talk with you about what needs to be done.

For those ready for replacement windows in Maple Grove, MN, Zen Windows Twin Cities is here for all your needs. We offer beautiful windows and make the installation process a breeze for homeowners.

Call us today at (763) 200-7470 for a free estimate!