The Differences Between High-Quality
And Low-Quality Replacement
Windows In Plymouth, MN

High-Quality Replacement
Windows Are The Only
Way To Go

When it comes time to consider replacement windows in Plymouth, MN, it can be easy to feel overwhelmed by your choices. After all, once you start searching for window replacement options, you’ll be bombarded with options claiming to be the best, with super low prices, fast installation, or other key terms meant to get attention.

Because it is so easy to become overwhelmed by your options in the Twin Cities area, many homeowners fall victim to replacement windows of questionable quality. Low-quality windows will lead to tons of issues.

For starters, you may have to replace your windows shortly, much sooner than you should have, because the quality is simply not there. You may suffer from windows that leak air and water into your home. Or you may find that the looks of low-quality windows disintegrate within a year, aging your home dramatically.

That is why knowing the difference between high-quality and low-quality replacement windows is vital. Are there ways you can spot the differences?

Yes, there are! Plus, doing a little research into the window can give you a more definite answer about the quality level of the replacement window you are considering for your home.

The Ratings Of Replacement Windows
Will Tell You A TON Of Information

When looking at various replacement windows for your home, one of the most vital pieces of information to look for is the rating of the window. Look for the Energy-Star rating.

Those windows with the Energy Star label are at least meeting the standards for energy efficiency. With skyrocketing energy costs, who wants to install a window that is not efficient?

Exactly! So, look for the Energy Star seal of approval.

Any window with this label should be considered. If you encounter windows without the star of approval, you can guarantee that they are low-quality and will not be happy with them in the long term.

Understand The Technology Of The Replacement Window

Windows are no longer just some metal and a plate of glass. They require high levels of engineering and technology. A lower-quality window will have more basic components, while a high-quality window will have more elements, all meant to make it a better window for you.

Let’s look at some of the more prominent elements you should check for.

Multi-Chamber Technology

This type of technology refers to the pockets, aka “chambers,” inside the window frame. These are designed to help with insulation, soundproofing, and preventing the window from being warped/damaged by the sun.

Both low-quality and high-quality replacement windows will probably mention “multi-chamber technology.” Lower-quality replacement windows may have two or three chambers within the frame, while high-quality replacement windows may have ten or more chambers.

The more chambers, the better the protection for you.

The Glass Of Replacement Windows

The glass in each replacement window differs. Are these single panes? Double panes? Triple panes?

Does the glass include a coating to help it reflect the sun better?

For the most part, a low-quality replacement window will be single-paned with little to no coating to help prevent sun damage. A higher-quality window will have more glass panes.

Ideally, you want to go with at least double-paned glass to ensure you are getting something that is energy-efficient.

Compression Seals

Compression seals aid the window in insulating your home. It prevents drafts from coming inside your home during the winter while keeping heat out in the summer.

The number of compression seals on a window can range from two to over six. Lower-quality windows will have two or three compression seals, while higher-quality windows will have five or more.

Take Into Consideration The Looks Of
Potential Replacement Windows

To determine whether you are getting a low-quality or high-quality replacement window, consider its appearance. A low-quality window may simply look cheaper than a high-quality one. However, don’t let the price alone dictate how you consider the window's appearance.

Does the hardware on the window look strong or flimsy? Does the window feel sturdy? Was it made to last?

The physical aspects of any replacement window can give you a good idea of its quality level. Higher-quality windows often have stronger and more durable hardware. In addition, when moved, these high-quality windows slide effortlessly to open.

Lower-quality windows may have similar hardware, but they feel thinner and weaker upon feeling them. Plus, low-quality windows are often a bit more difficult to open.