Signs The Replacement Windows Salesman In
Your Maple Grove, MN Home Is Unreliable

When You See These Sales Tactics From Window
Installation Companies, Run The Other Way!

When it’s time for replacement windows in your Maple Grove, MN home, you will probably find many window companies are ready to come to your home to give you a huge sales pitch about why their windows are the best.

In-home sales pitches are one of the biggest ways window installation companies drum up business. However, how can you know they are on the up and up?

These salesmen use several tactics to get you to sign their contract and allow them to replace your windows. Sadly, these tactics often indicate that the company is unreliable or untrustworthy.

For those in the Twin Cities area looking to replace their windows, check out these sales tactics that point to an unreliable company so you know when it’s time to run in the other direction!

1. Pushing Replacement Windows Via
High-Pressure Sales Tactics

One of the most popular ways window salesmen get customers to immediately sign on the dotted line is through high-pressure sales tactics. There are several ways these high-pressure sales tactics can come across, including:

  • They offer huge discounts, such as 50% off materials and installation, but only if you sign before they leave.
  • The salesman layers numerous deals on top of each other each time you hesitate about signing.
  • A one-time buy one, get one deal that expires in 24 hours.

These sales tactics are meant to get you to sign right now rather than think about or even shop around. Why do salesmen use this tactic?

Unfortunately, they are probably getting a huge commission cut by getting you to sign while they are at your house that day. They won’t get as much commission if you wait and sign, so they push until you break down and sign the paper.

In many cases, companies that use this type of sales tactic offer subpar, less reliable windows than they claim. Yet, you signed the contract, so you then suffer the consequences.

2. Bait-And-Switch Tactics Used For Replacement Windows

You may have called a particular window,/a> company because they advertised a fantastic sale on a window that looks like what you have installed. However, once the salesman arrives at your home, they steer you towards something more expensive.

If you stick to the advertised special, you would likely be told the window is out of stock, so it would be months before they could install it. Or, they could sign you up for those windows to pull the out-of-stock story later, and in desperation to get the whole ordeal done, you pay more for a different window.

Bait-and-switch tactics are common throughout the home contracting industry, not just with windows. Any salesman that uses this approach is unreliable and should not be trusted.

3. The Replacement Windows Salesman Is Not
On Time Or Available When You Call

When you call a window installation company and arrange for a salesman to come to your home to show you what they can offer, you expect the salesman to arrive when you have scheduled the sales pitch.

However, many people report no-shows when dealing with some companies. They also report that they could no longer contact the salesman for a better time.

If the salesman is late, how can you trust the company to install your windows within the given timeframe?

You can’t, so it’s best to run in the other direction!

4. The Replacement Window Salesman Won’t Answer Any
Questions You Ask With A Direct Answer

If you ask the salesman questions and they can’t seem to give you a straight answer or even an answer that satisfies you, this is a huge red flag. Whether you are asking questions about the replacement window or the company, the salesman should be able to answer you.

Many salesmen may try to avoid concrete answers about price points, giving you a pat answer that everything will be figured out once the contract is signed. Do not fall victim to this; it is a way to upcharge you later, and you are left to pay since you signed the contract.

Other times, a salesman will skirt around the questions you asked, making it seem as though they answered when they didn’t. When this happens, you can almost guarantee there are other dishonest tactics at work, and you don’t want to use this company for your replacement windows.

How Zen Windows Twin Cities Makes Replacement
Window Sales

Here at Zen Windows Twin Cities, we remove the in-home sales pitch, so you no longer have to worry about whether you are being taken advantage of. We don’t use high-pressure sales or encourage you to sign on the dotted line immediately.

We lay out your replacement window options, discuss what you want and need, and then get back to you on a price. Better yet, we can do this entire process via email. We will let you know the information you need to give us, and we get back to you within one business day with a detailed quote.

It is that simple! It is one of the main reasons so many people turn to us in Maple Grove, MN, for their replacement windows. For your free estimate, call us at (763) 200-7332.