When Your Maple Grove, MN Home Needs
Replacement Windows, Focus On The
Beauty, But Also On The Warranty

Warranties Are Vital And A Huge Deciding
Factor When Choosing A Window
Installation Company

When you search for replacement windows in Maple Grove, MN, you will see various options on the market. What are the top concerns that homeowners have about replacement windows?

In most cases, homeowners look at the various types of windows available and the styles and consider what will look great in their Twin Cities home. However, another aspect you need to consider is the warranty.

What type of warranty does the replacement windows company you are considering offer? Is the warranty considered great on the market? Are you comfortable with the level of protection that the warranty offers?

Why Do You Need A Warranty For Replacement Windows?

When getting replacement windows for your home, you may wonder why you need a warranty. After all, these are new windows, so you should be good. Right?

If you purchased your home and it was already a few years old, chances are you didn’t have any window warranty. You did fine for so many years, so why should you worry about a warranty now?

Whether you have survived for the last few years without a window warranty, you don’t want to do that in the future. When you get replacement windows for your home, you want the added protection that a warranty offers.

A warranty is meant to be the padding at the bottom of a high wire. It is there to protect you, so you aren’t financially responsible if there is a problem in the near future.

Ultimately, a warranty is peace of mind. And who doesn’t want some extra peace of mind on such a significant purchase for their home?

What Type Of Warranty Is “Standard” For
Replacement Windows?

There are various warranties on the market, but the standard replacement window warranty is the most common. This warranty covers:

  • Coverage for the frame that if it were to break or have some other type of damage, the warranty will cover it.
  • The window's hardware comes with a standard warranty. If it breaks or does not function properly, it can be replaced.
  • The glass of replacement windows is included with a standard warranty, but there are several caveats to what it covers. For example, if the glass is constantly foggy, it would be covered. Yet, if you crack the glass, it probably won’t be covered.
  • The actual installation by the window company is not covered by most warranties.
  • The warranty may be 10 to 25 years, depending on the company, which is a standard length of time.

This type of warranty is standard across the replacement window industry. Is it a good warranty?

It is decent and something that you should expect to be offered. However, that doesn’t mean it’s the best warranty that protects you.

How Does Zen Windows Twin Cities Go Above And Beyond
With Their Warranty For Maple Grove, MN Homeowners

While there are several replacement window companies you can opt to work with, one of the deciding factors should be the warranty they offer for the windows they replace. That is why you should always ask about the warranty and what it will cover.

Zen Windows Twin Cities offers a lifetime warranty to protect every customer who has replacement windows installed.

What does the warranty cover?

  • If the window itself were to have a defect, the warranty ensures that it would be replaced with a perfect working product.
  • Hardware is fully covered for replacement if there is an issue.
  • We cover the installation of the window, so if the installer caused an issue, we will cover it.
  • Seal failure of the glass of the window is covered entirely.

Most importantly, lifetime means lifetime. Zen Windows is known in the Maple Grove, MN area as the go-to window installer when you want to replace your windows and never worry again.

Always Go With The Most Protection For Your
Maple Grove, MN Home

When replacing your windows, you always want to protect your investment. That is why the warranty offered is vital to the window replacement process.

Going with a cheaper window with no warranty is a huge risk. After all, do you want to repeat the window replacement process in five to ten years?

For those looking for a strong warranty on replacement windows, Zen Windows Twin Cities is here for you. Call us today at (763) 200-7471 for your free estimate!